Sunday, February 15, 2015

Church Projects Finished Up

Sorry blogging hasn't been done very regularly!  These are some pictures of improvements made on the church.  It is now completely painted inside and out.  We were blessed to have a couple stay a while. While here the painted the inside, build cabinets for both classrooms and stained the wooden things in the church.  What a blessing to wrap up all the church projects.

Small classroom

Larger classroom used as the main classroom right now.

This is what the kitchen looked like during the painting process.  It is now complete and functional.

We were also able to add concrete stairs on the hill down to Antioch house.  This is the view up from the house.  The brown building at the top is the church.

This shows the view from the top of the stairs by the church toward Antioch house. The stairs make coming and going much easier, especially in the rainy season when things get muddy and slick.  We are entering into the rainy season now.  Pray for a good one so the things around here start growing again. Blessings!

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